FAQs - Buying our EBooks
EBooks Frequently Asked Questions
1. What file format will I receive?
When you purchase an ebook from this website, you will receive an EPUB file. EPUB is a widely supported ebook format that works on most e-readers, tablets, and reading apps.
2. How do I download my ebook?
After completing your purchase, you will receive a download link via email. Simply click the link to download the EPUB file to your device.
If you don’t receive the email within a few minutes, please check your spam/junk folder or contact us at sales@nathandylangoodwin.com.
3. How do I read the EPUB file on my device?
Kindle Devices & Apps (Amazon Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, etc.)
Amazon does not natively support EPUB, but you can send it to your Kindle using Send to Kindle:
Email the EPUB file to your Kindle email address (found in your Amazon account under Manage Your Content & Devices).
Amazon will convert it and deliver it to your Kindle library.
Alternatively, use Calibre or Amazon’s online converter to convert it to a Kindle-compatible format.
Apple Devices (iPhone, iPad, MacBook – Apple Books app)
Tap on the download link on your device.
Once downloaded, tap the file and select “Open in Apple Books”.
Android Devices (Google Play Books, PocketBook, Moon+ Reader, etc.)
Download the EPUB file.
Open Google Play Books, PocketBook Reader, or another EPUB reader.
Upload the file and start reading.
Kobo E-Readers
Download the EPUB file to your computer.
Connect your Kobo e-reader via USB.
Drag and drop the EPUB file into the Kobo folder on your device.
PC/Mac Computers
You can read EPUB files using Calibre (free app) or browser-based EPUB readers like EPUBReader for Chrome/Firefox.
4. Can I read the ebook on multiple devices?
Yes! You can download and transfer your EPUB file to multiple devices you own, but sharing with others is not allowed.
5. My ebook won’t open – what should I do?
Ensure you have a compatible reading app installed (Apple Books, Google Play Books, Calibre, etc.).
If the file won’t open, try downloading it again from the email link.
Seek any technical support required from the manufacturer of your device.
If you need help, contact sales@nathandylangoodwin.com with your order number.
6. Do you offer refunds on ebooks?
Due to the instant digital nature of ebooks, all sales are final and non-refundable once the file has been accessed or downloaded.
If you have trouble accessing your purchase, please contact us—we’ll be happy to help!
7. Can I print the ebook?
No, our ebooks are intended for digital reading only. Printing is not permitted under the copyright terms.
8. Can I share my ebook with others?
No, your purchase grants you a personal, non-transferable license. Sharing, redistributing, or reselling the ebook is strictly prohibited.
9. Do you offer ebooks in other formats (PDF, MOBI, etc.)?
At this time, we only provide EPUB files. If you need another format, you may use Calibre (free software) to convert the EPUB for personal use.
10. I have a different question
Let us know your question and we will answer within 48 hours (usually) and then we could consider adding it for others here. Email us here!